Countdown to Google Calendar will launch tomorrow says Erick Schonfeld.
Rumor has it that Google will launch a new online calendar/ events managment service at Esther Dyson’s When 2.0 conference next week. Jeremy Zawodny offers a nice wishlist of features.

I just want a good, shared calendar that can sync up with iCal. It would also be cool if I could publish each specific calendar that I keep (work, home, conferences, soccer schedule) as an RSS feed that gets pushed out every time I update it and that others could subscribe to. Something like Trumba, but free.


Yep, this will take on Zvents it would seem. Also, I’d like to see sharp integration with Outlook. Will have to wait and see. Oh, sorry for the long break there guys, I am working on some crazy stuff at work, I might be applying for my very own patent. I’m very excited!!



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