Big Surprise: FBI Finds it Frequently Overstepped in Collecting Data

This is the entire reason behind my whole Boycott AT&T reasoning. Check this out, a recent report by the Justice Department found that even the FBI, not considering what the hell AT&T has let the NSA do to our privacy, has violated th law or agency rules more than 1,000 times. If that’s true, it’s probably 100 times worse than what they found. The company has decided to put its users wishes behind the wishes and needs of its shareholders. The event, is one of many in which I see as an eroding away of our Constitutional rights. We have a right to privacy damnit, and I am not going to sit around and let the almighty dollar stand in the way of the freedoms that people who actually have souls died defending. If AT&T does do this network spy tech, there are going to be "illegal Events" like this and we have a responsibility to stand up and let these companies know that we WILL NOT TOLERATE IT!

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