Radiohead: comScore… Pounds or Dollars?

Mathew Ingram has this great tidbit at his site.

“In response to purely speculative figures announced in the press regarding the number of downloads and the price paid for the album, the group’s representatives would like to remind people that… it is impossible for outside organisations to have accurate figures on sales.

However, they can confirm that the figures quoted by the company comScore Inc are wholly inaccurate and in no way reflect definitive market intelligence or, indeed, the true success of the project.”

That’s a quote from the band. As someone who purchased the album, I wonder if the band would have done better if they would have given the option to pay in dollars and not pounds. I can assure you most of America’s kiddies are not hip to how much they actually spent. Also, I hope Radiohead did well on this, I know the album being on bit torrent is a big turnoff. Really makes me upset that a band would give away its music and people still pirate. I do think pirating would go away, but it takes time for those people to change their habits. tags: , , ,

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