Most detailed info on Windows Vista (the next version of Windows)

The feature set for Windows Vista has been in flux for some time. Here’s why: Back in 2003, the plans for Windows Vista were quite ambitious, but when the core Windows team attempted to finally componentized Vista, then based on the XP SP2 code base, they found the task to be impossible and had to start over from scratch. That work commenced in mid-2004 and was finished near the end of 2004. By that time

Paul Thurrott’s Windows Supersite
Paul does a great job of giving you detailed reviews on Microsoft products. He loves the technology so much he even throws the occasional temper tantrum. Good stuff Paul! One of the things this article goes a great lenghts to show is how important and difficult it is today to be very vague and promise nothing if you are a behemoth technology giant. On the one hand you MUST draw hype and you need your developers on board because if you don’t have them you don’t have anyone. But on the other hand accurately describing what code you know needs written and how that actually translates to the exact bits that ship to RTM and their their exact roles is like a game of paper football, You want the paper to slide as far across the table as possible, but if you aim too far, it does you no good.

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