Archive for the ‘Computers and Internet’ Category

Robert Cringely talks the future of Google and how it will be worth $4,000.00 a share

January 20, 2007

Google will become our phone company, our cable company, our stereo system and our digital video recorder. Soon we won’t be able to live without Google, which will have marginalized the ISPs and assumed most of the market capitalization of all the service providers it has undermined — about $1 trillion in all — which places today’s $500 Google share price about eight times too low.

Now before you dump the kids college fund to buy Google, remember, this is Robert Cringley speaking, which basically means he makes very bold predictions but he’s pretty good at it. Sometimes he’s a bit annoying but other times, he’s purely brilliant. Bill Gates is getting into health care (Gates Foundation) because Google is simply too much to handle.

The “Ipod Killer” has finally arrived

January 9, 2007
Man, this thing is freaking sweet!

Google Under Fire

January 2, 2007
The Blogosphere has started off 2007 by launching a frenzied attack on Google’s ethics dominance and security. Amongst the discussion is linguring complaints about Youtube, copyright infringement, hacks to Gmail contacts and a slew of other complaints. Also noted is the fact that Google is the internet, and those left trying to compete against Google (Yahoo!) should quickly realign as a distributor of Google’s adsense as there is going to be no competition in the future.

What I don’t hear anyone asking is: "If we are properly set up as a capitalist nation, why is it that everything must be a monopoly? Why can’t Google and Yahoo coexist? What are we doing wrong to foster competition, which frankly is what got us to such a utopian technology state that we enjoy today!"

Further Reading:

Charles Cooper, Read this.

October 21, 2006
This will explain to your narrow mind why, how and everything else about the web and the web 2.0. It’s not money hording, slicing the throats of co-workers, trying to make an extra buck that’s got us here, and it certainly wasn’t the primary reason Google launched. They had a dream to organize the Miracle that is the internet. Love made the internet. People trying to help others, and share information. It just so happens that Google has the brightest people trying to do all of that for us now, and yes, they are going to make some money doing it.
That article you wrote was the lamest article I’ve ever read from you, and as a result, I don’t think I’ll even visit Mobile news any more, as it was the last useful thing your service offered. Enough of the money grubbing angst.

Google Rumored To Be Improving it’s Health Offering Next Week

May 4, 2006
Google is rumored to be improving its ability at organizing–quite possibly–the most important information to mankind–information on personal health. We should look for the product or an announcement next week during Google’s annual press conference. Marissa Mayer reportedly dropped a hint about this to Kevin Maney of USA TODAY–where he has written about it in his blog.
Kevin Maney: Not long after, I asked her why Google doesn’t have more vertical offerings, like for health. Those tend to give users better results in a specific area.
I am not sure if he knows, but Google already offers a health portal of sorts in the form of their directory.
Kevin continued with: "Anyway, Marissa then said, "Health is an interesting one — keep your eye out for that next week." But that was about it. Considering that hint, though, an announcement of a Google Health site seems a good bet. Rumors about just such a site have been bouncing around the Web on sites such as SearchEngineWatch."
Marissa is not only brilliant, but easy on the eyes as well! 😉
Unless there is an emerging relationship with WebMd. What I mean is: Is Google Linking to this info, or creating its own version of Web MD. Even Web MD doesn’t the funds to match the hyper production of Google. If they are creating their own portal for users to exchange thoughts and remedies, I expect all Internet based health Information company stocks to take a dive tomorrow or as soon as the details become obvious.
So far, they have a health directory, with a "healthy" amount of information:

Addictions (3060)
Aging (134)
Alternative (6308)
Animal (3201)
Beauty (661)
Child Health (815)
Conditions and Diseases (18745)
Dentistry (644)
Directories (21)
Disabilities (1306)
Education (182)
Employment (605)
Environmental Health (399)
Fitness (1240)
Healthcare Industry (6959)
History (9)
Home Health (404)
Insurance (175)
Medicine (13452)
Men’s Health (342)
Mental Health (6256)
News and Media (263)
Nursing (1655)
Nutrition (663)
Occupational Health and Safety (749)
Organizations (180)
Pharmacy (6610)
Products and Shopping (60)
Professions (1492)
Public Health and Safety (3805)
Publications (205)
Regional (11)
Reproductive Health (2521)
Resources (318)
Search Engines (11)
Senior Health (1021)
Senses (338)
Services (83)
Specific Substances (873)
Support Groups (514)
Teen Health (82)
Travel Health (110)
Weight Loss (383)

With the aging portion of my family still aging, I am definitely looking forward to this. I look forward to your thoughts!

Microsoft Academic Search

April 13, 2006
Microsoft has released their answer to Google Scholar. Slowly but surely, Microsoft is building a carbon copy of Google’s work, albeit in thier own flavor. I am a big fan of Live’s search macros and I look forward to future offerings.


April 11, 2006
Webaroo is now launching. It solves a problem that should have been solved long ago. How to create a mini internet on hardware devices for use when the hardware is disconnected from the internet. It won’t work for every situation but it’s like having a free newspaper to read. I haven’t tried out the service yet, but I am interested in their mobile offering.
How will you use it?

Please tell me Microsoft Origami is going to be a Crestron killer as well.

March 3, 2006
I really hope this is going to be a new form factor. I’ve been waiting for a reason to upgrade my umm, Giant phone with a real portable device. I really hope this is going to do, 3G, GPS, 802.11, bluetooth, and have a nice MCE upgrade that is a Crestron Killer. Crestron is WAY too expensive. Much better home entertainment announcement than the let down Apple boombox if so. Give me control of my home. It’s the perfect device, it almost looks like a Crestron.

Google Desktop 2 no longer in Beta

November 3, 2005 is no longer in beta. There are some new widgets you can now add to it, like a credit card transaction viewer, Winamp, Itunes, and others. Check out the teams blog here.

Microsoft Launches Windows Live and Office Live

November 3, 2005
This is a few days late but I wanted to mention that I am glad Microsoft is actually going to give Google a run for their money. It will be interesting to see whether Microsoft starts earning a part of Google’s pie once they launch their new advertising program.
Check out it’s basically a and you won’t enjoy it unless you start using RSS feeds, and put all of the content in here. Once you have all of the things you are interested into the page, you’ll love it as much as I do. You can put gadgets on there too!