Archive for October, 2006

Microsoft to start its own chip design lab for new xbox

October 22, 2006

Microsoft is opening it’s own hardware outfit that will design chips for future 360’s or 720’s??. I wonder how much crucial knowledge they gained from working with IBM on how to create chips that run games smooth. I know they won’t be able to make their own GPU’s and with the consolodation happening in the chip outfits they are probably trying to avoid future price hikes.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Microsoft start producing other items like it’s Zune music player if it doesn’t flop.

Another Reason to Switch to Macs

October 21, 2006
It seems Macbooks are defective by design. Read this before you lock into Apple hardware.

I moved to Chicago

October 21, 2006
I am just now getting my barrings back. I talked before about how I was thinking about taking a new job in Chicago. Well, I’ve made the move and I’m pretty situated now. I still have a home in Ohio which I commute back to about 2-3 times a month but for the most part, I’m living the city life for the first time in my life.
I’m finding that Chicago is one of America’s truly great cities. Recently they struck a deal that will make them a bit more competitive with New York in the Finacial Sector. The people are great out here. I was riding my bike earlier and my brakes froze up for some reason and I had two people come over to me and immediately they started helping me try to repair my bike. Total strangers… I know that if I were in NYC people would have balked at me for getting in thier way if this were to happen. Chicago has about 2.8 million people which is about 25 percent of the total population of Ohio.
I’m starting to fall in love with this city. Much to do and see, much more opportunity.

Dave Winer Knows Apple

October 21, 2006
Dave Winer understands why i am frustrated with Apple computer. They are a very arrogant company that flaunts the fact that they are so much better than PC’s and when it’s not true (often) they don’t do a very good job of making up for it. In the end Macs are more expensive, tough to integrate into every day life and many of the people who really support Apple are annoying to be in the same room with.
Apple’s products are designed well from a usablity perspective, but there is more to a product than just that.

Charles Cooper, Read this.

October 21, 2006
This will explain to your narrow mind why, how and everything else about the web and the web 2.0. It’s not money hording, slicing the throats of co-workers, trying to make an extra buck that’s got us here, and it certainly wasn’t the primary reason Google launched. They had a dream to organize the Miracle that is the internet. Love made the internet. People trying to help others, and share information. It just so happens that Google has the brightest people trying to do all of that for us now, and yes, they are going to make some money doing it.
That article you wrote was the lamest article I’ve ever read from you, and as a result, I don’t think I’ll even visit Mobile news any more, as it was the last useful thing your service offered. Enough of the money grubbing angst.

Charles Cooper and Cnet Need to Disclose That They are Competing with Google News When They Bash it. (all the time)

October 21, 2006
How long has Cnet been bashing Google News For? Now their executive editor has come the the conclusion that–get this–web 2.0 is a metaphor for "rip-off."
The executive editor of CNET news,( Charles (The News Chuck) Cooper has a problem. Google’s distribution model for tech news among other shops (techmeme anyone?) is quickly becoming obsolete because the vast majority of the reporting going on at Cnet doesn’t add value to the events and yet they still draw a salary. There are too many Google bashing stores coming from Cnet, and they don’t properly disclose that they are a direct competitor to Google news–one of the services they are bashing.  For a long time, it has seemed like Cnet has stepped outside of what’s exceptable for news reporting by bashing Google’s news creating algorithm and doing too many opinion peices on Google news realted material.
We know there is some double talk going on when Cnet hasn’t told it’s Robot.txt file to block Google news, and so they appear on Google news, but they think it’s a horrible immoral thing. It’s a like saying, yes, I’ll take one please and–by the way–do you know that offering this is immoral? Grrrr…
The problem here is that you can’t take the competitive hate talk that goes around in the office and then put it on the web. With the exception of a few good reporters at Cnet, they do the same thing the Google news algorithm does–but they draw a salary. They just scan tech news and then post a bit of their own thoughts.
Cnet’s had this slogan on their site for sometime that bashes Google tech news… Put together with–get this–"Real People" Yeah, people that don’t know squat, but how to read the WSJ and NYT and try to post before the bots do. Cnet had better rethink things. If you think an example of Web 2.0 is that sorry Cnet Story linking program that takes up valuable space on your ugly site, then you’ve missed the boat, turn in your stripes as soon as possible and save the stockholders some money.
If you are going to bash Google for Copyright infringment, do it to libraries as well, because all they do is scan and index books. Let’s get rid of the Evil Dewey Decimal System next?
This pisses me off, I’m going to bed.