Archive for January, 2007

Robert Cringely talks the future of Google and how it will be worth $4,000.00 a share

January 20, 2007

Google will become our phone company, our cable company, our stereo system and our digital video recorder. Soon we won’t be able to live without Google, which will have marginalized the ISPs and assumed most of the market capitalization of all the service providers it has undermined — about $1 trillion in all — which places today’s $500 Google share price about eight times too low.

Now before you dump the kids college fund to buy Google, remember, this is Robert Cringley speaking, which basically means he makes very bold predictions but he’s pretty good at it. Sometimes he’s a bit annoying but other times, he’s purely brilliant. Bill Gates is getting into health care (Gates Foundation) because Google is simply too much to handle.

NYTimes: Randall Stross says Fairplay and the iPhone are Crippleware

January 15, 2007
That’s the state of thought that is emerging in the United States and abroad when it comes to DRM. Many others like myself will not sink a penny into a song infested with DRM. One things the major labels always forget, DRM will never stop a pirate (Napster + Popular WM DRM stripping software), what it will do is make honest paying customers frustrated, and perhaps make them get songs illegally. DRM should only be used for rental models in my opinion. Read the article yourself as it’s a good read. There are some federal lawsuits moving against Apple that claim Apple is using DRM to unfairly run their monopoly in music. I agree 100 percent with this, as Apple puts DRM on music even when the labels don’t require it. Read on readers and remember, support labels and artists, and don’t buy DRM infested crippleware.

Google Says Real Time Quotes Should Be Free

January 12, 2007
Google will now make real time stock quotes free. Something that’s always required money will be free; in turn, they build brand loyalty which pays for itself on the backend. Also, no word yet, but Google usually exposes its product’s API’s as well and I’m just wondering if this might be an opportunity to get CRM products updated, I am sure the Open Source developers will love this, especially if the api opens up the data. Google wants to be the OS of the internet, and will usefull appliance type services like this they are well on their way, makes you wonder what Ozzie has up his sleeves.

Cisco Sues Apple over iPhone Trademark

January 11, 2007
Cisco has filed an injunction against Apple computer for using it’s iPhone trademark. I had previously read that they were in talks and that an agreement was in the works for the use of this trademark. I don’t see what everyone else sees in Steve Jobs. It’s hard for me to like someone who likes themself more than their mother does. Clearly, Apple realizes that we don’t idolize a company that would sue for trademark infringement on a small family run business trying to put food on the table, and then say something like this. Please somebody tell me that this type of behavior isn’t something to look up to? Is this what America Idolizes?

Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris said the company considers the lawsuit "silly" and Cisco’s U.S. trademark registration "tenuous at best." She noted that Apple is the first to use the name for a cell phone. "If Cisco wants to challenge us on it, we’re very confident we’ll prevail," she said.

I am a big fan of Cisco and many of their products. They support open environements and technology more than most technology companies and they made a great offer to Apple to share the trademark. Unfortunately, Apple thinks it’s too good for Cisco.

Fundamentally we wanted an open approach. We hoped our products could interoperate in the future. In our view, the network provides the basis to make this happen—it provides the foundation of innovation that allows converged devices to deliver the services that consumers want. Our goal was to take that to the next level by facilitating collaboration with Apple. And we wanted to make sure to differentiate the brands in a way that could work for both companies and not confuse people, since our products combine both web access and voice telephony. That’s it. Openness and clarity.

At MacWorld, Apple discussed the patents pending on their new phone technology. They clearly seem to value intellectual property. If the tables were turned, do you think Apple would allow someone to blatantly infringe on their rights? How would Apple react if someone launched a product called iPod but claimed it was ok to use the name because it used a different video format? Would that be ok? We know the answer – Apple is a very aggressive enforcer of their trademark rights. And that needs to be a two-way street.

Today’s technology blessed word is marked by the innovations of smart people working together to make a better platform, product and service. Today, even Microsoft designs websites that run in Firefox, and if they don’t people let them know about it.

The only company that is seeminly exempt from making products that are open is Apple. Apple is the first to cry when someone copies something they innovated, and yet 95 percent of the innovation that went into the iPhone was created outside of Cuppertino. Steve jobs would like you to think his company is the reason for these types of phones. The name is a blatent attempt to say, we are above even copyright law. Steve Jobs has been known to treat his employees like dog doo-doo, rip off his partners–and in my opinion–he even talks down to his customers who happily eat it up and beg for more. As a general rule, you shouldn’t like yourself more than your mother does, and you shouldn’t like your product more than your customers do, I think Apple is guilty of both.

The “Ipod Killer” has finally arrived

January 9, 2007
Man, this thing is freaking sweet!

Will Microsoft Home Server Make Computing Even Less Secure?

January 8, 2007
Don’t get me wrong, I think bringing a media server, ISS server, backup disaster recovery server to the masses of Joe blows is a great idea, I just hope we have analyzed what could happen if we do so. So it’s with a bit of a cringe that I react when I hear about Microsoft Home Server being announced. This will allow all of the same people who right now still have PC’s that are severely infected with Spyware, to be running servers with their own URLS. THe malware folks are dripping at the jaws right now thinking of what they will do with the URL’s out there that will now be controlled by the russian bot baking companies.
The big difference is, today, I can use generally use good taste to stay away from harmful websites for the most part, but this server could blur the line between a wholesome URL and one that’s not. Simply because the admin of the server has the best of intent, but doesn’t know how to run a server effectively. We need to think this through a bit more Microsoft, will we have JoeBlows running spyware infested URLS?
Otherwise, I think the idea is great, I’ll stick to ampache and apache but I might change my mind some day.  Now, remember, it wasn’t even three years ago that Bill Gates’ PC was home to malware.

Google Under Fire

January 2, 2007
The Blogosphere has started off 2007 by launching a frenzied attack on Google’s ethics dominance and security. Amongst the discussion is linguring complaints about Youtube, copyright infringement, hacks to Gmail contacts and a slew of other complaints. Also noted is the fact that Google is the internet, and those left trying to compete against Google (Yahoo!) should quickly realign as a distributor of Google’s adsense as there is going to be no competition in the future.

What I don’t hear anyone asking is: "If we are properly set up as a capitalist nation, why is it that everything must be a monopoly? Why can’t Google and Yahoo coexist? What are we doing wrong to foster competition, which frankly is what got us to such a utopian technology state that we enjoy today!"

Further Reading: