Archive for the ‘Search’ Category

IE7’s Default Search: Department of Justice Officials Agree That Google Should Quit Whining

May 13, 2006
Microsoft’s new search tool ‘respects’ users’ choices: DOJ
Microsoft’s new search feature in the latest version of its Internet Explorer Web browser was reviewed and cleared by Department of Justice officials, regulators said late Friday. Following their review of Internet Explorer 7, officials concluded that Microsoft’s search feature "respects users’ and OEM’s [original equipment manufacturers] default choices and is easily changed." The DOJ has concluded its work on the matter, they said in a court filing made by regulators overseeing the DOJ’s 2001 antitrust settlement with the Redmond, Wash.-based company. Justice workers had also received a complaint about the ability to customize the "first-boot" experience in the upcoming new version of Windows, called Vista. However, Microsoft addressed that issue and "resolved any possible issue" related to Vista, they said.

Okay, I love you so much Google, you are the first huge web company that thought of putting us first, but this is just lame whining. Especially considering you are locking users into your search with contracts with OEMs and with Firefox downloads, that do not even let users easily select, or MSN search as the search provider.
Microsoft should be allowed to set defaults in its own operating system and its own browser as long as it doesn’t lock folks into their choice, and makes it easy to change. You don’t have to pay attention to Microsoft anti-trust compliance, the whole world already is, including less talented companies who can’t compete, but try to win the battle in the court room.
You will lose the admiration of the influential people if you act like a Novel or a SUN. After all, you are Google, the mighty Google, whining is for girls, if it was your new CEOs idea to whine, kick him in the rear a few times and tell him to relax, you’re not at Novell anymore Todo.
Just a note to my 14 regular readers, Google doesn’t usually behave this way, but they are paranoid about the birth and growth of the platform.