Archive for June, 2007

New NASA Study Shows Earth’s Climate Close to Thermal Meltdown

June 1, 2007

Just read an MSNBC study article, According to a recent NASA study, it’s only going to take just a little bit more before all of the Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases emitted by humans have the West Antarctic and and Arctic sea’s ice. Sure, it’s not the first time we’ve heard spooky news but enough is enough.  Nothing but bad news for Linux loving penguin lover’s lately it would seem. The United States of America (where I’ve been 99.9999999 percent of my life) is largely responsible for this problem, along with globalization, our culture in general, and not to mention China and Russia and Western Europe.

That’s right, humans it seems are a infectious disease that just won’t give the earth a break. I want to think about the problem pragmatically though. First, here States all we do is bitch about the price of gas, and then we go out and by an SUV.

That doesn’t make us complete idiots though, the reason we want an SUV is so someone else’s SUV doesn’t roll over our children killing everyone and making orphans all over the place. So there is a legitimate safety concern especially outside areas like the earth friendly sections of the great Northwest, the Valley, and other areas with high concentrations of wealthy and educated people.

So how do we fix it?

1. Start giving tax breaks to companies who encourage employees work from home at least 3 days a week.

2. Create heavy regulation in our auto sector. Make the average weight of an automobile sold go down by 25 pounds a year for the next 100 years.

3. Put more funding into alternative fuel, (I love the BMW Hydrogen) start funds which put solar lamps in the homes (government Funded Housing) Start educating consumers that these lamps are cheap, available and are starting to appear in more stores. How about a one solar cell lamp per child? Think of the benefits on a mass scale if we could get a big purchasing power type fund going.

4. Find out who on the planet is not recycling 100 percent of their garbage and have them hung slowly. In this day and age recycling is every bit as important as saving on energy.

5. Start forcing energy companies to invest heavily into alternative fuels and clean energy income sources. If we can’t do that, let’s get Bush out of office so that we can. This can’t wait until 2008, we need major energy reform, now, all across the globe. We need more people speaking out right now who are not afraid to isolate their viewers so that they can get their point across.

6. Encourage donating to alternative energy funds. Every last bit helps.

I’m tired of reading these reports, I’m tired of hearing people argue about them, and I’m tired of watching this great phenomenon called Earth go to waist. Now people from NASA are saying that if things keep going how they are, we WILL start seeing major regional disasters. Let’s be smart for once. This is so much cheaper than what it takes to rebuild cities.


Steve Jobs is a Bigger and Better Man Than I Previously Thought

June 1, 2007

After watching the 1 hour WSJ interview with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates from the D: All things Digital Conference, I have gained a lot more respect for the man. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have perhaps the most unique relationship on earth, which is filled with respect, a little hate, a little jealousy, admiration, and above all friendship it seems. Link to highlights.

Steve did a great job of giving respect to all of those midnight oil burners at Cupertino who keep pumping out great products, and are largely responsible for Apple’s success. Steve Jobs also has a very large amount to do with this as you’ll see just by watching the video even though he doesn’t even say it. He’s not worried about leaving a legacy which says something about his character, he’s only concerned with a commitment he has to his family, and his customers. This is a good thing. 

It was great to watch both of these ultra successful businessmen patch their differences, and hand out Kudos where they should. As I’ve pointed out in the past, I’ve had a hard time with Apple hanging on to the concept that Microsoft is nothing but a copy cat, when the act of copying is something that’s a needed business strategy in order to stay relevant in the technology sector. When you imitate, it should be flattering, it’s not the same as ripping art off. As any technology enthusiast knows, both Apple and Microsoft have done their fair share of copy cat work, and if I had to say who was better at copying other tech, I’d have to give the title to Microsoft. But who cares, Steve Jobs went a long way to earn my respect, which means nothing I suppose, although I assume there are many people who think along similar lines as I do.

Both were great to watch, and they both have always been people who’ve inspired me.

Microsoft Live Writer 1.0 is a Best of Breed Blogging Tool

June 1, 2007

I’ll come up with a list of complaints after I’ve used it more but let’s just run down the list of my favorite plug-ins. It’s worth pointing out that Microsoft is integrating more and more of it’s office functionality into live writer and it’s clear they mean business in the consumer "Rich Client + Cloud in the Sky" functionality. Spelling errors now get underlined ala Microsoft word, with the same right click auto correct functionality. They feel pretty safe doing so as there is no ability to save as any type of document other than those in the "Cloud in the sky."  It’s also worth pointing out that Microsoft has integrated a "Blog This" from Fire-fox which reinforces their new found wisdom that it’s nice to play well with others.

1. Insert Tablet PC Ink functionality

Sweet right? Well maybe not that but you get the point. I just did that with my Wacom tablet which pulls out the tablet PC functionality in the premium versions of Vista.

2. Insert Flikr Images.

3. Insert Digg this

4. Insert Table

5. Insert Video

Those are just my favorites there are so many more. You just need to try it for yourself.